Fair Trade Olive Oil from Palestine
Our Fair Trade partner Canaan Fair Trade started “Trees for Life”, a project supporting Palestinan farmers. More than 100 000 olive trees have already been donated to olive growers. Harvest during autumn is a task completed by the whole family. Cold pressed, these olives provide particularly fine oil. Rich in antioxidants and anti inflammatory ingredients, it helps to relieve skin irritations and produce a smooth complexion.
Kanaan Fairtrade „Trees for Life“
Our partner Canaan Fair Trade has launched the “Trees for Life” project: Small trees are donated to young olive growers and to all those whose groves have been destroyed by the consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. More than 100,000 new olive trees have been planted in the last ten years. Canaan Fair Trade is also active beyond the olive grove: Since 2007, 40 scholarships have been awarded to children of olive growers. This enables the scholarship holders to study for four years at a regional university. A total of around 1,700 small farmers benefit from the Fair Project.
Family ties – stronger than olive wood
For thousands of years, olive trees have been planted on terraced hills in order to obtain the sunlight necessary for the ripening of the fruit – unattainable for conventional harvesting machinery. The harvest begins in October and is an important annual ritual in every family with an olive grove. Schoolchildren are often released from work for this event, and adult family members in other jobs also return to the groves in autumn. Even some relatives who are hardly seen throughout the year find their way back to the olive trees in October.
With the power of the olive to smooth skin
Olive oil has been appreciated for its caring properties since ancient times. One of the most important active ingredients is the Vitamin E it contains. As a natural antioxidant, it stabilises the cell membranes and thus supports the skin’s own resistance to free radicals. This prevents skin ageing caused by environmental factors. Various fatty acids ensure a stable moisture balance of the skin – with regular use of olive oil products, even brittle skin is given an extra portion of suppleness.