Change the world…
As a company
Cosmetic products are a part of daily life for many people. In this vast market, billions of unnecessary and environmentally harmful packaging materials are used, along with ingredients that damage both health and the environment, such as microplastics, silicones, and parabens.
As pioneers of natural and organic cosmetics, we see it as both our duty and our opportunity to make the world a little more sustainable through our products. Our popular WE REDUCE! series represents the next logical step toward a radically more sustainable cosmetics industry of the future.
The name says it all: it’s about stripping down to the essentials while considering ecological and social criteria at every level of production, packaging, and the value chain. For instance, none of the products in the WE REDUCE! range rely on plastic packaging – even for items where you might expect it. Less truly is more!
As a customer
Our brand motto is also a call to action for all our customers to take part in making the world a better and more beautiful place. Whether it feels like a challenge, a responsibility, or an opportunity, we each have different abilities to positively change our surroundings and improve the lives of others. The choice is ours to make.

with beauty
Be beautiful your way!
For many people, beauty is of great importance and can contribute significantly to their sense of well-being. Cosmetics and the associated care rituals are rooted in all cultures and can play an important supporting role.
Unfortunately, today’s manipulative advertising in the cosmetics industry almost exclusively conveys stereotypical beauty ideals of being young, slim and flawless, which most people do not correspond to. Instead of well-being, this often leads to frustration and suffering to bow to these ideals.
We at i+m want to offer an alternative and stand for a different, genuine concept of beauty. We believe in the manifold meanings of beauty and cultivate this individual concept of beauty in our product descriptions and all our corporate communications.
Stay beautiful for longer and age beautifully!
The conventional cosmetics industry is currently dominated by the paradigm of short-term symptom treatment, with little regard for health and the negative long-term consequences for people and nature. We offer an alternative concept that is geared towards the individual and long-term strengthening and support of skin and hair health.
Beauty is a basic need!
Our products should not only impress with their beautiful design, but above all, they should serve the individual beauty rituals of our customers. We consider beauty to be a fundamental human need, the experience of which fills our lives with happiness and meaning. We want to give more emphasis to this need, which, in our opinion, is often neglected in the area of sustainable economics/products. In other words: ‘Man does not live by bread alone, but also by love and beauty.’